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The first SURFING WITH SMILES OF 2022. The smiles, the laughter, the surf stoke is all there.![]() |
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July 24th, 2022 The RUN is 7 out of 7 Weeks.
Send your SURF Pics to me directly to ralph@adlantic.com. Need photos by 10 AM on Saturdays. Seriously. By 10AM. Make sure they are 1300 to 1555 pixels wide. If you have more than 10 pics please use wetransfer.com it's free up to 2 gig. Please DO NOT send me over 10 pics without first contacting and communicating with me. Thank you. Click on Archives link to see all the past Blogs and pics. |
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Then of course there’s the Caribbean. Puerto Rico, Barbados, and down into Central America. Like I said, Mike has traveled around the world. ![]() Johnny Meehan and John "JT" Taylor with a gift for Mike from Tavarua. When I asked him what was the biggest wave he’d ever surfed? He immediately answered Cloud Break on Tavarua in Fiji. Sometime between 92-94, he caught the biggest wave of his life. He said it was a solid 15’. That’s a Big wave, even by today’s ridiculously big wave standards. Johnny Meehan wrote that he saw Mike catch the biggest wave out at Cloud Break that was hands down the biggest wave that anyone from NH had ever caught. That’s pretty damn significant. And Johnny is a pretty straight shooter. He tells it exactly like it is. And when I asked him when and where was his worse wipeout? The answer was the same. Cloud Break on Tavarua Island in Fiji. He had a “hold down” during a big set that he thought that “this could be it.” And by “It” I’m talking about “cashing it all in,” “buying the farm,” “getting your ticket punched.” It was that bad. He told me he never got a chance to get a deep breath before that thrashing. He even got to the point where he was thinking of his family and how he was never going to see them again. That’s pretty heavy stuff. But like all bad wipeouts, whatever it is that doesn’t kill you, only makes you stronger. And I’m sure that was the case with Mike. He survived that wipeout and lived to see another day. And more than that. He started a whole new life. He came home and started a family here in New Hampshire. ![]() He and his wife lovely wife Laura have been married for 30 years. They have three beautiful children. Chase, Skyler, and Bella. And their lives revolve in and around the ocean. From the beaches of NH, to the beaches of Barbados. Michael is a true family man. It runs deep in his blood and veins. His family is everything to him. He loves all three of his kids and is so very proud of them. And I’m sure that Laura and the kids are equally proud of him. Mike is also a fighter in the truest sense of the word. The name Rosa is synonymous with fighting. From Chucky Rosa (Chucky’s Fight) to his two nephews who fight in the MMA. There’s a lot of discipline in being a fighter. It is a relentless pursuit as far as the training and mental fitness that goes with it. You have to have that innate sense of discipline. He does not drink or smoke. He told me that he works out every single day. That’s the last 22 years with Karate, and the last 7 years with Yoga. Most of you surfers out there are well aware of the connection between Surfing and Yoga. Though, I’ve never personally tried it, I know the benefits of practicing it. And I have the highest respect for those who commit to it. Especially competing. ![]() And if it can enhance your surfing? All the better. Because at the end of the day, that’s what we all really want. To be able to surf better and longer. I ended the interview by asking Michael what surfing meant to him. He said that surfing was everything to him. That it even, “saved his life” (a line that I have said many times in the past). He looked me in the eye, and thought about what he was going to say next for a few seconds, before saying. “You can paddle out on a good day and catch a bunch of waves, but not really getting any good ones, and then, that one wave comes along. And that one good wave, can make your whole session. And you leave the water with that one wave in the back of your mind. And everything is good in the world.” I get it. And most of you surfers get it too. It’s called being stoked. Mike Rosa is stoked on surfing, and all that is good with surfing. From the camaraderie of surfing with friends, to surfing alone at a remote break hiding in plain sight, from surfing with his family in Barbados, to surfing with Sky on the beach, with Sky hooting him on. This is before and after their miles long walks along the seacoast. They have become NH Seacoast icons. Mike and Sky. In short, Mike is stoked to be surfing. “I’m going to surf for the rest of my life.” He said as I was leaving. And I believe him. ![]() I also believe, that he’s going to end up surfing longer than most of the surfers that are half his age. And those of you who know him, will agree with me. *Be sure and check out Mike's gallery down in the photo section. "SURFING, KARATE, YOGA, And FAMILY HEALS ALL WOUNDS."
The past two weeks have been brutally hot. With Wildfires and severe droughts. Things got pretty hot down there at GITMO too. KSM is allowed to lay in the sand at GITMO for short intervals to try and stay cool. Here we see the Sheik with his favorite Tank Top. His "Pop cycle" tank. He claims when he's lying on the sand at GITMO, it reminds him of the deserts of the Middle East. In fact, he's paid off a few of the guards to import some camel and goat manure to spread around his towel. Nothing smells more like home to Khaliddy, than Camel and Goat shit. You guys smell what I'm cooking here? I think you do. ![]() And so my friends, please take advantage of this weekly photo shop of the mastermind who planned 9-11 and resulted in the deaths of 3,000 innocent civilians by KSM (Khalid Sheik Mohammed). *Note to self -must pick up a case of SUN BLOCK at Home Depot This Week. ![]() Click on the ad above to schedule you Charter today! ![]() This is Eli Dicken. Eli single handedly stopped a mass shooter who had an AR 15 and was hell bent on shooting as many people as possible. Eli shot and killed the shooter just 15 seconds after the shooter opened up on innocent civilians. Eli was legally armed with a 9mm Glock handgun. Eli is a hero. Plain and simple, a hero. He did what 300 trained police officers couldn't do in Uvalde Texas the week before. He acted on his own and saved countless of lives. He's earned our praise. Please keep local surfer Mike Keefe in your thoughts and prayers in the next few months during his treatments. Hang in there Mike! Please keep local Surfer/Musician Pete Kowalski in your thoughts and prayers. SURFING HEALS ALL WOUNDS! Please Keep local surfer Bill M. in your thoughts and prayers. ![]() REST IN PEACE Rick Dreyer 88yrs old beloved Uncle and Godfather of Kim Grondin. Kim loved this man. He was someone truly special in her life. May he rest in peace. HAPPY BIRTHDAY Nick Africano July 26th, 2022 HAPPY BIRTHDAY Longboard Larry July 26th, 2022! HAPPY BIRTHDAY Mick Jagger July 26th, 2022! HAPPY BIRTHDAY Tami Heide July 23rd, 2022! HAPPY BIRTHDAY Judith Rastl July 23rd, 2022! HAPPY 33rd WEDDING ANNIVERSARY Kevin and Kim Grondin July 23rd, 2022 PLEASE keep Kim Grondin in your thoughts and prayers too. She's doing OK, after her surgery on Wednesday July 20th, 2022. Please Support ALL The photographers who contribute to Ralph's Pic Of The Week every week for the last 18 years. ** BUY a HIGH RES Photo from any of the weeks on RPOTW. Remember my friends... Surfing Heals All Wounds. Pray for Surf. Pray for Peace. Surf For Fun. Ralph ![]()
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All PHOTOS BELOW SHOT THIS WEEK *Unless otherwise noted. | |
Today- The Michael Rosa Gallery. |